Friday, February 10, 2012

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

We took a field trip recently and thought we'd share a few of the views we took in....

Lots of unexpected crocus sightings!

Not to brag or anything ;) but we were fortunate enough to be in the presence of one of the most widely respected horticulturists alive today, Michael Dirr. All and all a beautiful day and a lot of smiling took place... This is a shot of Nathan and Kilian in front of Patrick Dougherty's remarkable work!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Where to begin?! And a few things to consider...

Well, first and foremost a very happy belated New Year to everyone! So far we're off to a running start and couldn't be happier.

All Decked Out has been fortunate enough to stay nice and busy up through the holidays! We fertilized, mulched and closed down the gardens for the winter and in November planted over 4,000 bulbs!!

Are you looking forward to spring as much as we are?!

In December Kilian was kind enough to host a fantastic All Decked Out Holiday party at a local Chelsea restaurant where everyone was nothing but smiles...

in case you were looking for proof!

This time of year is bittersweet for us gardeners. We get a chance to take a load off....

...but we miss the dirt beneath our nails. We've had a fortunate year (winter) so far with calls pouring in from people who want to be ready for the spring!! Needless to say we are grateful spring is nearing.

Friday, November 5, 2010

No garden too high- No Fountain too heavy!

It has been one jam-packed season so far! We feel very grateful here at All Decked Out for having had such an active and busy season overflowing with clients who only make us happier to be designers and gardeners. Since its been so long since our last blog we'd like to skip ahead to our adventure this afternoon and in the blogging to come fill you in on our beautiful spring season...

Today at ADO five of our strongest came together to accept a 500lb fountain delivery! Ben, Coire, Scott, Nathan and Kilian certainly had their work cut out for them. With four men holding the crate, while one navigated, one would think it would be a piece of cake. Right? Well, as it turns out there were some minor complications....

getting it to fit.

But as the saying goes what doesn't kill us makes us stronger and as it turns out everyone survived and with brute strength...

and a few adjustments...we we're in!!

Well, we're excited to have shared this with you and are very proud of our strong team and their hard work! If at first you don't succeed, try, try again and sometimes another time if you have to...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer already!

August!? How did that happen? Well, after a long hiatus from the blog (sorry!) we thought we'd show you one project we've been busy working on this season.
Check out this amazing before and after.....

This is the roofdeck of a client of ours who undertook a full roof deck renovation. We installed a mix of flooring to cover steeply sloped roof including ipe decking, a green roof (!!), bluestone pavers and a lightweight stone called expanded Shale.
The project turned out beautifully- it feels so much more spacious and the clients are up there daily.
Here are some detail shots of the various aspects of the project.

This shows Ipe decking, a bit of the expanded shale bed, a custom fountain wall the clients picked up in Asia, and some blooming echincaea to pull it all together.....
The Green roof- It's a modular system made of locking trays, pre-grown for instant gratification....
Bluestone pavers guide you into the garden from the new bulkhead entrance....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St Patricks Day Means Spring Cleaning

We spent this St. Patrick's Day enjoying the beautiful weather up on some of the roof gardens we maintain.

Now is time to wake the garden up and get plants ready for spring- Trees and shrubs are pruned, perennials are cleaned up, heavy mulch is cleared away to allow the bulbs to emerge.

Here's a video of some of our staff working on a downtown roof with an amazing view of the city.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter wonderland at All Decked Out

In honor of the the winter solstice, here are some photos of a garden buried under the blizzard of this past weekend to get you in the spirit.
All Decked Out braved the snow and was up there early this morning dismantling the garden- check back this spring to see photos of the garden's upcoming face lift!